Fairfield County Motorsport can perform any and all classic style maintenance and repair. Quality service is our #1 goal.
Fairfield County Motorsport has been involved with performance work since it started as German Car Care
back in 1987.
We offer a wide range of services to meet every type of need.
Fairfield County Motorsport can perform any and all classic style maintenance and repair. Quality service is our #1 goal. Our factory-trained technicians have more depth and experience than most new car dealerships.
Whether it is a simple oil service, a top end overhaul, a transmission rebuild, or new tires, FCM can handle every task from the easiest maintenance to the most demanding technical work without difficulty.
Since 1886 the Robert Bosch Corporation has been a leader in automotive systems starting with spark ignition. Over one hundred twenty-five years later Bosch is still leading the world in the design and manufacture of advanced vehicle systems and parts.
Because Bosch systems are in use in a large majority of the worlds vehicles, the Robert Bosch Corporation initiated a program to train independent service specialists to trouble shoot and service these systems. Thus the Bosch Service Center was born.
Fairfield County Motorsport has been involved with performance work since it started as German Car Care back in 1987. FCM can perform anything from simple bolt on upgrades to fully fabricated custom enhancements.
We have extensive experience with high performance street applications, dual-purpose street/track cars, vehicles prepared for specific race classes, and anything else you can imagine.
Got a wish list? All upgrades are tailored to the individual customer and the car. FCM can help you organize and manage your special project.